Tips for Designing a Great Freelance Writing Portfolio

January 20, 2012

With most careers, when you want to find a new job, you prepare or update your resume to fire off to prospective employers. As a freelance writer, largely you only need to send off a portfolio of your work to prospective clients. Things that you may normally put on a resume, such as prior work…

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Top Paying Freelance Writing Gigs

January 20, 2012

If you are just starting to work in your exciting new career as a freelance writer, you no doubt have noticed that some assignments pay far better than others. In fact, the pay on some assignments is so low that you barely earn the equivalent of minimum wage for your efforts while others pay so…

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How to Get a Fast Start in Freelance Writing

January 20, 2012

When you start most careers, you find a job that offers a nice salary and hopefully a decent benefits package to boot. You know exactly what your income will be for your efforts, and this often takes a lot of the stress of starting a new job out of the equation. If you have decided…

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Making More Money in Less Time: Tips for the Freelance Writer

January 2, 2012

One of the biggest complaints many people working in salaried jobs have is that they can worker harder, smarter, or longer than their counterparts and will still get the same amount of money at the end of the day. As a freelance writer, however, your income is based in large part on how hard, smart,…

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How Freelance Writers Can Diversify Their Income Stream

January 2, 2012

As a freelance writer, it’s easy to feel like you are spinning your wheels each and every day, as though your livelihood is dependent on the whim of a handful of clients continuing to throw work your way. This kind of work life can really create a lot of stress for you, but fortunately it…

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Fun Writing Gigs Most Freelance Writers Aren’t Taking Advantage Of

January 2, 2012

As a freelance writer, you no doubt hear comments from friends and family about what an easy job you have and how cushy it must be to work at home, set your own hours, and not have to deal with co-workers or a boss. While that (for the part anyway) is largely all true, the…

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