Factors That Affect a Freelance Writer’s Income

March 31, 2012

If you are like most freelance writers, you keep a close eye on your income level. You may have established daily, weekly, and monthly income goals that you want to meet. You also may have created a schedule and lined up assignments that allow you to meet your goals. However, there are other factors that…

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Freelance Writing as a Career: The Hidden Cons to Writing for Money

March 27, 2012

Writing is a time-honored profession that has not only withstood the test of time, but it has also grown by leaps and bounds in recent years. Thanks to the internet and the increased demand for content, there are now more opportunities than ever before for freelance writers to earn a living by writing for money….

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Top Time Drains That Can Reduce a Freelance Writer’s Income – And How to Avoid Them

March 15, 2012

If you are a busy freelance writer, you know that if you’re not working, you’re not making money. Freelance writers get paid by completing assignments or projects rather than on an hourly rate in most cases, and so the fingers really need to fly along on the keyboard for freelance writers to earn a living….

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Which Freelance Writing Jobs Are Best Suited For You?

March 12, 2012

Many people who are just getting started in their career as a freelance writer are often surprised at just how many different types of writing assignments they have access to. From ghostwriting books and ebooks to preparing resumes for professionals, writing greeting cards, and marketing material for companies, the opportunities seem endless. Combine this with…

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Giving Up Rights to Your Work: What Freelance Writers Need to Know

March 6, 2012

As a freelance writer, you generally work on a contract basis for your clients. You may write a short, 100-word product description or you may ghostwrite an entire novel on behalf of a client. Some assignments may include details to write just one piece, but other assignments may provide you with work on an on-going…

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