Freedom With Writing reaches thousands of passionate writers with our weekly bulletin, Paid Publishing Opportunities.
In fact, we email to over 156,000 subscribers every week. We’re one of the largest and most established email newsletters for writers.
Advertisements are now available to appear directly in our email newsletter. They must be limited to writing related services.
Advertising Guidelines
- Each newsletter is currently limited to one featured sponsor
- Ads include a title and a description. The title can be up to 40 characters and the description can be up to 240 characters.
- Must be writing related.
- No get rich quick schemes.
- No writing contests that require a fee to enter.
- No deceptive, coercive, harmful, or illegal advertisements/companies.
- We reserve the right to refund any advertisement that doesn’t meet our requirements.
- We are open to suggestions. Just email Jacob Jans.
Featured Sponsor: Paid Publishing Opportunities
Our weekly publishing bulletin reaches over 159,000 writers each week. We currently allow one advertisement per week. The bulletin is sent out on Tuesdays. Ads must be ordered one week ahead of time in order to make it in the newsletter.