32 Publishers that Pay Writers for Book Reviews

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Included is a wide variety of publishers, reviewing books of novels, non-fiction, poetry, and more.

The world is full of publishers for your writing. The past decade has seen a huge transformation in the world of freelance writing, as well as the world of publishing books. There are now more readers than ever before, but the readership has shifted from mostly offline reading, to blogs, websites, social media sites, and ebook devices. Instead of just reading physical books, people are now reading them on their smart phones, Kindles, Kobos, tablets, and computers.

All of which is to say there are still many opportunities to write about books — and to get paid for it. There are also very many opportunities to write about a huge variety of topics. Our signature work at Freedom With Writing is The Paid Publishing Guidebook. It lists over one thousand publishers that pay writers, including payment rates. You can get a free copy of that book here.