Writing Jobs from Yahoo Voices (Success Guide)

February 24, 2014

Hey everyone, I know you are busy writing but take a few minutes out of your schedule to take a gander at the streamlined approach to making a success out of writing for Yahoo Voices! This is one of the best sites for a new writer to learn the ropes of SEO and how to…

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Here’s How You Make Money Writing Fiction.

February 10, 2014

Most writers – myself included – dream of making money telling stories. Until now, I haven’t told many people this, but I’ve earned paychecks for writing fiction. You can, too. Let’s take a look at a few of the ways you can earn an income using only your imagination. There are opportunities aplenty for budding…

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Get Writing Jobs With Twitter.

February 10, 2014

Want to find writing opportunities today? Then head over to Twitter right away. You should read this article first, so you’ll know how to dig up the best gigs. I’ll give you the tricks I’ve used to find valuable opportunities and some extra tips for good measure. The mechanics of finding writing work is actually…

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Writing Jobs from Textbroker (Success Guide)

February 8, 2014

Online writing companies can be a great way to get your freelance writing career off to a fast start. You can quickly build a portfolio of samples, learn online writing techniques and make some quick money. It should come as no surprise that at every writing company there are different ways to find success. The…

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Freelance Writing Success: The Top 10 Rules

February 1, 2014

For the freelance writer just getting started it can be a difficult process. As with any new venture there is a learning curve made up primarily of trial and error. If you have a full time job that pays the bills, you have the time to devote to this process. If you don’t you can…

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