Fiverr: A bright little gem for freelance writers.

December 30, 2013

Fiverr is a popular little site that doesn’t get much notice from writers. There are good reasons for this but there are ways around the primary issues. This company is and it’s a bright little gem. On the surface the premise is simple: you agree to do anything you list on the site and…

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How to Find 10 New Writing Clients Today

December 9, 2013

Hello again everyone! I hope everyone is focusing on their writing and finding great clients. With the holidays fast approaching you might be having difficulties finding time to write. There are so many distractions that it can be tough. If possible find a way to delegate some of the less essential holiday planning tasks to…

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Writing Jobs from (Full Review)

December 7, 2013 is an interesting little site that is fairly new but already has a reputation for being a good way to get started as a freelance writer. They make the claim that they are writer centered and by all accounts are fair and honest. Joining TextMaster This site has a bit of spin to joining…

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6 Sources for Writing Jobs (14 Sites with Jobs)

December 4, 2013

If there’s one part of being a freelance writer I love more than anything else, it’s that I get to choose when and where I work. As long as I have a computer with an internet connection, I can pound the keys and start earning. My computer isn’t only the place where I get work…

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Here’s exactly how I got my best freelance writing client.

December 2, 2013

In this article, I’m going to share how I got my longest term client. We started working together when I relaunched my freelance writing business in December 2011. To this day, I get weekly writing assignments from this client. How did we meet? Good old fashioned email. But not using quite the same technique as…

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