How to Find Your First Freelance Writing Job

November 15, 2011

So many people today mention from time to time how they would love to start working as a freelance writer. They say that they have always loved to write, and they’d love to spend their days working from home without the hassles of a commute, a nagging boss, and other negative aspects of their current…

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How Freelance Writers Contribute to Society

November 8, 2011

As a freelance writer, it’s pretty easy to feel like you are locked away from the rest of the world. Friends and family leave their homes every day to go to work, and the participate in work activities in service-oriented jobs, in office environments, and so much more while you sit at home and type…

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Why Freelance Writing is a Life-Changing Part Time Job

November 1, 2011

So many people today are looking for a way to make some extra money with a part-time job. Some of these people are stay-at-home parents who are looking to save money on the high cost of childcare while earning money working from home. Others may hold down a full-time job and want to find a…

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