Welcome to Freedom With Writing.

We send you publishers that pay writers.

We also send you companies that hire writers. Completely free of charge, and delivered via email.

We also send you in-depth eBooks designed to build your writing career. Again, this is completely free to our subscribers. (Don't worry, you are now a subscriber!)

How are we able to give away all of this free information? We’re like a magazine, which means we are supported by our advertisers. We have a team of writers, and editors who are very thankful for the advertising support we get. But, just as importantly, we’re very thankful to all of our readers. We love getting emails from you. Now that you’re a subscriber, you can reply to any email you get from us with your comments.

One more thing. If you want to publish creative writing, I highly recommend signing up for Authors Publish Magazine. They send you publishers of short stories, poetry, and novels. Subscribe here, completely free.