$250 for Personal Essays About Mental Health Recovery

March 5, 2019

OC87 Recovery Diaries started out as a documentary, OC87: The Obsessive Compulsive, Major Depression, Bipolar, Asperger’s Movie. As a follow-up to the documentary, they publish mental health recovery stories “to inspire and connect you with others who might learn from your experience.” They pay $250 for these stories. According to their submission guidelines: If we…

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149 Publishers that Pay Writers

March 1, 2019

Dear Writers, Here are 149 publishers that pay writers, organized by category. Click on the name of the category to see the publishers in that area. This is a huge list of opportunities — For even more opportunities, I recommend The Paid Publishing Guidebook. Enjoy! Lifestyle / Entertainment (8) General Interest / News (19) Finance…

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$200 for Personal Essays in Catapult

March 1, 2019

Catapult is a magazine of narrative non-fiction and fiction. They have well established. Their writers have gained book contracts after being published in the magazine, as well as been published in Best American Essays, won Pushcart Prizes, and much more. They also pay writers; payment is negotiated. However, reports indicate a range of around 10…

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$1,500 to Produce a Podcast Episode

March 1, 2019

Believable, a new podcast from Narratively, is currently open to pitches. They want “a personal story where narratives conflict, and different perspectives about the truth collide.” They’re paying $1,500 for the episode, which would be 2o to 30 minutes long. According to their call for pitches: “Our stories focus on a single character navigating the…

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